Sunday 26 January 2014

A serious one. Not that they aren't all serious but some of the messages are happy ones, encouraging ones. No one likes to be told things are their own fault :( I know that these are messages that God gave to help me through my situations but I hope that by sharing them online He will lead someone else to read them at a time that is helpful to them. I see that some people do stumble along here every now and again. I hope that you leave with a sense of His love.
This situation you are in is partly of your own making. You cut people out - turn them away. You build up walls and fortresses then wonder why no one will try to get in. You make it too hard. Those who have made the effort are worth hanging on to. They took years to get to know you. How many busy people have years to devote to one person? You need to give more back. Offer up yourself and seek to know them. I know you are going through a dry patch with church at the moment but do not despair. People are preoccupied. Give them a chance and they will come to see the bright shining star that is you dear child. Your friendships don't need to be all in one place. Your worship does not need to be all in one house. You are not meant to be all alone but remember that friendship and devotion go two ways. Wait it out - things will get better.
Once again I have been very slack. My apologies. Today I want to share with you a message I asked for and received on New Years. I asked God to tell me what was coming in 2014. I asked for His blessing upon the coming year. This is what He said:
2013 is behind you now dear child. Dear one. 2014 is upon you. Are you ready? You have asked for a blessing for the oncoming year. You have my blessing. You always have my love. What you desire is revelation. Are you ready to hear? I know what you desire for this year. You have written goals and set events in motion. Do you want to know which you shall achieve and which shall be abandoned? Do you wish to know your joys and heartbreaks before they occur? I could tell you. I could give you visions and insights but would they be helpful? No dear child. Such gifts are not for you. You are not yet equipped to deal with such foreknowledge. For you though I shall share this. This year will bring you much joy, adventure, tears and smiles. You shall study and find success. You will discover love though it shall come unexpectedly. There will be much change though some will come painfully. I shall be with you always. I shall remain constant. Do not go looking at star signs and false prophecies for glimpses of the future. I have been there and it is usually best for you not to know. I shall tell you what is necessary. For now I shall tell you no more. This is your life and it is made to be lived. Just remember that you are my daughter and you are blessed. Enjoy this coming year. Seek me and seek others. Share this time with your brothers and sisters in faith. You are eternally mine dear daughter. Remember.

Monday 23 December 2013

This is one of the ones that I am not sure if I should post it or not. I think I should. Part of doing all this is that it documents events. Something BIG is coming and God impressed on me that what he has told me needs to be made public so that when this big thing happens it brings Him glory. So here it is: "Good morning daughter. I know there has been some disappointment and discord at your workplace and other areas of your life at the moment but do not lose heart. It is a sign of change and you are learning how to cope when things don't go your way. You are forming alliances and showing how you react in difficult circumstances. I know it is disappointing but things shall improve soon. Now to your church life. Your small group has been good for you but I know you want to connect with more people. It is a shame you are unable to attend the women's life cell. A new opportunity is coming and I want you to take it. Don't worry about university - all will be fine. You worry about so much daughter but they are earthly things and shall all pass away. Thank you for bringing these things to me - insignificant as they are. I enjoy talking to you and helping you. We do not communicate as we once did but it is the nature of relationships to change as they grow. Ours will continue to change until the day we meet face to face. Enjoy this day daughter." During the first part of the message about discord the word 'marriage' kept going through my head.
Something that has been on my heart of late is the idea of marriage. Namely when do I get one??? It has really been pressing on me the last few months so of course God has been speaking to me about it. "Daughter, there are many kinds of purity. You desire to be made pure but you do not understand what you are asking. To be made pure you must first go through the flame. The impurities must rise to the surface so that they may be removed. It is a hard process and not what I intend for you in this moment. This moment is one of preparation and anticipation. The one you desire is coming. You have been asking for him, yearning for him, begging and crying for him. Now is the time in which you must prepare yourself for him as he is preparing himself for you. Do not lose heart my child. I have not forgotten you or your earthly desires. All shall happen by my design. Do not forget you are not forgotten."

One of my favourites

Another old message - well not so old, it was only in September! "Learn to hear when I am calling. Do not become deaf to me. I am with you always - what makes you think I will ever be silent? You, my child, will hear me always. You and I shall never part ways. There may be times you are unhappy with me but we shall always be together. So dear child you wonder what I have to say to you this time. You await a grand revelation. Not all things are big, momentous occasions. Tonight I just wanted to be with you. Sit and be with me child. Come to your father. Abide with me. I love you." Isn't that lovely?
It is hard to know what I should be sharing here. Sometimes He tells me that a particular message is for me and me alone. Other times He clearly says I should share what he says with the world! Many though I do not know. I got the sense when I began this that part of the purpose was to document so that when something happened it would be obvious it was foretold and the event would bring glory to his name. It is hard to describe feelings :D. Anyway I have several messages that maybe I should put up here. I keep them all in a book. When all this first started I would just write on any random piece of paper and stick it in a folder. Then one day God reminded me of this really beautiful notebook I had bought. I had never used this notebook because it was so pretty I knew it would have to be something very special to make me write in it. Seriously I couldn't bring myself to write in this thing. This is the first message I wrote in it: My dear child, the time has come. You have had the break I offered you but now is the time I spoke of before. You did as I asked and forego other responsibilities. I told you something was coming, something new, something big. This is it - this is the beginning. You are my record keeper. This is your task. You do not yet know what it is you are to record but listen to me and all shall be revealed. Sometimes your task shall not be easy. This will sometimes be a burden on you but you are not alone. Others shall assist you in your task as you shall assist others. None of my children are ever alone. Not only am I with you but you are surrounded by your brothers and sisters. Do not fret my child. This record shall be in many parts - few will ever see its majority and only I shall know its whole. My projects encompass eons and are so complex your mind could never comprehend it. You shall see in time. Remember you asked for this. You wanted a greater gift. You wanted to be used. This is your role. It was designed for you. You were designed for it. You have accepted. You have begun.

Message from 23/12/13

My daughter, please tell my children I love them. This is what they need to hear. This is what they need to know. Too often they are told of the avenging God, the thunderbolt and lightning God. The God who destroys all who disobey Him. They forget the forgiving God, the saving God, creating God, the loving, fatherly God. Remind my children of all that I am. I AM. I am so much more than ideas and stories. I am more than a concept. I do not fit within your descriptions or your concepts of right and wrong or good and evil. You ask yourselves how a good God could allow suffering and debate my existence. It pains me to be doubted by those I love but I gave you choice and you have made your decisions. Much is to come that shall change hearts and minds. I know how things shall end and it will be glorious. Tell my children - love abounds.