Monday, 23 December 2013

This is one of the ones that I am not sure if I should post it or not. I think I should. Part of doing all this is that it documents events. Something BIG is coming and God impressed on me that what he has told me needs to be made public so that when this big thing happens it brings Him glory. So here it is: "Good morning daughter. I know there has been some disappointment and discord at your workplace and other areas of your life at the moment but do not lose heart. It is a sign of change and you are learning how to cope when things don't go your way. You are forming alliances and showing how you react in difficult circumstances. I know it is disappointing but things shall improve soon. Now to your church life. Your small group has been good for you but I know you want to connect with more people. It is a shame you are unable to attend the women's life cell. A new opportunity is coming and I want you to take it. Don't worry about university - all will be fine. You worry about so much daughter but they are earthly things and shall all pass away. Thank you for bringing these things to me - insignificant as they are. I enjoy talking to you and helping you. We do not communicate as we once did but it is the nature of relationships to change as they grow. Ours will continue to change until the day we meet face to face. Enjoy this day daughter." During the first part of the message about discord the word 'marriage' kept going through my head.


  1. I would agree, God does seem to have really Big plans. Its really exciting I think seeing his plans come into action, but even more so when he begins to show us those plans and 'include us in the process' so to speak.
    So these big plans God has - do you see it as a change in your own life and ciruumstances or something bigger?
    The marriage of the bride with her groom has been years in the making and is coming to a head... Exciting times

    1. It is exciting that He is sharing with me a glimpse of what is yet to come. I haven't seen anything yet and do not know what form it may take. I haven't had any 'opportunities' come up yet but look forward to what it may be. Thanks for your comment. It is encouraging to know that someone has seen my blog. Sorry for the delayed reply :)
