Monday, 23 December 2013

It is hard to know what I should be sharing here. Sometimes He tells me that a particular message is for me and me alone. Other times He clearly says I should share what he says with the world! Many though I do not know. I got the sense when I began this that part of the purpose was to document so that when something happened it would be obvious it was foretold and the event would bring glory to his name. It is hard to describe feelings :D. Anyway I have several messages that maybe I should put up here. I keep them all in a book. When all this first started I would just write on any random piece of paper and stick it in a folder. Then one day God reminded me of this really beautiful notebook I had bought. I had never used this notebook because it was so pretty I knew it would have to be something very special to make me write in it. Seriously I couldn't bring myself to write in this thing. This is the first message I wrote in it: My dear child, the time has come. You have had the break I offered you but now is the time I spoke of before. You did as I asked and forego other responsibilities. I told you something was coming, something new, something big. This is it - this is the beginning. You are my record keeper. This is your task. You do not yet know what it is you are to record but listen to me and all shall be revealed. Sometimes your task shall not be easy. This will sometimes be a burden on you but you are not alone. Others shall assist you in your task as you shall assist others. None of my children are ever alone. Not only am I with you but you are surrounded by your brothers and sisters. Do not fret my child. This record shall be in many parts - few will ever see its majority and only I shall know its whole. My projects encompass eons and are so complex your mind could never comprehend it. You shall see in time. Remember you asked for this. You wanted a greater gift. You wanted to be used. This is your role. It was designed for you. You were designed for it. You have accepted. You have begun.

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